24 July 2020
There are some days that the synchronicity just blows me away....and today was such a day... I made a home visit today to a wonderfully joyous elderly man, and as I worked gently on his feet, he talked to me, about many things, his homeland in Europe, how good is German bread! and herrings!!.... we mentioned Bonegilla, where my Dad stayed when he first immigrated to Australia in 1953....his wonderful family and how proud he is of his children and grandchildren....how blessed I felt to have had such a beautiful glimpse into his life..... I left with a full heart, knowing I received just as much from that visit as he did.....as I heard my father's whispers in the air...I looked at his date of birth and noticed he was born the same year as my Dad... Thank you and Namaste...
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Fertility and IVF Support with Reflexology
Being unable to conceive when one feels ready can be an emotionally exhausting and traumatic time. It triggers a huge range of emotions ranging from grief and anger, through to frustration and anxiety...to name but a few. Everywhere one looks, other women are falling pregnant easily. Babies seem to be everywhere. This can also create feelings of inadequacy and despair. However, these are the very emotions one wants to avoid as they cause untold stress in the body. Stress which prevents the body from functioning as it should. The first important step is to begin giving your body exactly what it needs to reduce these feelings of 'fight or flight', which circumvent the body's natural functions. Make sure you get enough sleep, exercise, water and fresh food and do whatever you can to lower your stress. Reflexology factors in the equation as one of the best modalities to produce the relaxation response, allowing the body to transition from that chronic state of 'fight or flight' to a relaxed 'vessel' that can successfully carry a baby for 9 months. Trapped emotions also need to be addressed. I have found there can be suppressed emotions of guilt from failed pregnancies, miscarriages or even suppressed childhood traumas, which need to be addressed, so the body is in a receptive and relaxed state to proceed with whatever healing it requires. Reflexology can be used throughout IVF to help relax and reduce anxiety, (except for the period when injections are given as it tends to balance hormones). If women are planning to undergo IVF, it is a good idea to start with regular Reflexology treatments 3-4 months before the program starts. At the time when a woman is receiving the hormone treatment, emotions can be at an all time high, and after the 10 days of injections, it can be a good time to treat yourself to a Reflexology hormone balance. For those who have never had a Reflexology, it is difficult to put into words how amazingly awesome it feels. It is seldom painful, unless your body is way out of whack, and even then a good Reflexologist will back off the pressure.
My aim is to give your body and soul the space to relax, to give every muscle and tendon and cell, permission to come out of the chronic 'fight or flight' state you find yourself in, possibly on a daily basis. It is in this state of profound relaxation that your body can draw on it's innate healing ability to catalyse that process and bring it back to a state of homeostasis. If you've never had a Reflexology, why not book in and give your body some TLC. Reflexology can benefit everyone Have you ever heard the term 'Feelings buried alive never die'? Ever wondered what happens to those overwhelming feelings that we have suppressed during our lifetimes, because we just didn't know what else to do?
As I continue to work with the most resilient, honest, brave and inquiring people, it's made me realise that each of us has had situations in our lives that, from the perspective of an adult, are no big deal. Little (or big) incidents in childhood that have made us feel ashamed, guilty, and not good enough. As a child we were defined by other's comments, their beliefs about us. We were told we were too fat, too thin, too shy, too loud, couldn't sing, too stupid, couldn't paint, couldn't run, couldn't play sport and many other hurtful things that our innocent minds just couldn't deal with, so we believed them...our little bodies held on to the emotions and locked them in. As we grew into adults, we held onto these beliefs, and situations in our lives kept reminding us that we really were, too fat, too loud, worthless, etc. We came to expect that everyone saw this in us and we just kept carrying that baggage around...forgetting who we truly were. in a sense our rational mind 'sorts it out' and seemingly makes some sort of sense of it...so that we can keep functioning. We suppress the emotions, without feeling them fully, without resolving them. These trapped emotions can eventually cause illness, disease and chronic pain. Yes...it may be a new concept to some, but there is an emotional aspect to everything. Think about how your body feels when you are in a chronic state of stress, when you are in the fight, flight or freeze state. Where do you feel that sensation? If this resonates with you, then know that there is a way to release these emotions, safely and gently with HeartSpeak. I love combining HeartSpeak with Reflexology as they work in synergy on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels of our being. Most of us are so young when others influence our beliefs about who we are, we reach adulthood defined by what others have told us. We believe that we are too fat, too thin, too tall, too short, to loud, too serious, not smart enough. etc etc.
What if I was to tell you that there is a way that you can set your heart free? What if I was to tell you that it didn't involve talking about your issues? What if I was to tell you that HeartSpeak can help you to release these barriers to joy and fulfillment and set you on the path to living the life you desire? Why not ask me about HeartSpeak when you book your next Reflexology? They integrate beautifully, so that you will leave my space feeling calm, centred, and more relaxed and at peace than you can ever remember Has it ever occurred to you, that your body is constantly communicating with you?
Every ache, every emotion you are feeling, even the seemingly unrelated accidents are all messages from your body trying to tell you something. There are days when we are scattered in all directions, trying to fit everything in, when suddenly we have an accident that stops us in our tracks. Could it be that your body is telling you to slow down, ground yourself and refocus your priorities? Remember those times when you are running on empty, not sleeping, missing meals and suddenly you come down with a sore throat...your immune system has been compromised...but you failed to take notice until you were forced to slow down. What if you started to listen to your body's whispers? What if you recognised those early signs that you were out of balance? It is so much easier to prevent major accidents and illnesses by taking good care of ourselves, once we recognise that we are out of kilter. This is a good time to get an early night, eat some nourishing food and book in for that Reflexology which will help to return your body to a state of balance, boosting your immune system and producing that much longed for relaxation response On my morning walk today I received the message 'Connect the Dots" so it's a good time to talk about what happens when we are not present...when we are either wishing the past was different or worrying about the future....
When we are not present we forget to be grateful for all the good things we already have in our life... When we are not present with our body, we don't notice the differences, the changes...that are bringing about the healing that we long for....we rush onto the next thing so quickly... that we don't notice....we don't 'connect the dots' that brought us to where we are now...or notice what is happening in our body.... My clients come to me for various reasons....sometimes they come to me to increase their fertility chances....sometimes they have had decades of pain, anxiety, stress.....and sometimes they are not sure what they need...they just know that their feet have brought them to me for a reason... It's not my job to judge or to analyse what they need...the answers come as they talk...sometimes they become teary ...and out comes something buried so deep...that the body wants to release....so we release...we don't need to analyse...we don't need to talk...but we do need to feel to heal <3 So...I trust...in the flow....I trust in the energy that flows through us all....as I work on the feet, I can feel it working through me....there is no need to analyse, to rationalise...each person receives whatever it is they need in the present moment... All you need to do...is to be open....and you may receive something much different to what you (or I) expected. Healing comes in many forms.... Life is a continuum of challenges. When we begin to embrace them for the learning we will receive and stop resisting and wanting life to be different...that's when whatever we need in that moment comes to us.... It's lovely to get feedback from those with insight that feel and notice and receive....but not essential....I often hear back from friends of clients who have had a session or two to fall pregnant, then something happens...and I don't see them again for whatever reason...only to find out that they are pregnant....after many disappointments...they have received whatever they needed to release the trapped emotions, heal a body dysfunction or to push them towards their life purpose...a new job, new paradigm shift....and I smile secretly.....they may not 'connect the dots'...but I have <3 Namaste Healing comes from within ~ To heal you need to take your power back...
Occasionally, I have a new client who says to me ‘Are you going to fix me?’ They are surprised when I tell them ‘No…only you can fix you. I can guide you and facilitate your healing, I can give you tools to empower you to heal, I can relax your body to allow that healing, but whether you heal or not is up to you.’ Your body has the most amazing and innate healing intelligence. Why do we even question whether we can heal? Have you not observed a deep cut heal or realised the body creates osteoclasts to mend a broken bone? When we are new to the concept of healing energy, it is sometimes difficult to imagine the fact that we are all made of energy, not matter. Every cell, atom and molecule is pure energy. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, this energy flows into our body through our chakras and then along our meridians, to wherever it is needed. Blocks in our chakras and meridians caused by stress, traumas, negative thoughts and beliefs interfere with this flow, sometimes causing illness and disease. All energy vibrates at different rates and even modern medicine uses diagnostic machines e.g. ECGs which utilise this concept. The ECG energy patterns can reveal many things about the person’s heart through the interpretation of the beating human heart – whether it is regular or erratic etc. Unfortunately medicine views the human body more as a bio mechanism, than a vibrational energy system. There are many and varied reasons why people do not heal. In her book “Why People don’t Heal and How they Can’, Caroline Myss illuminates the hidden interactions of belief and body, soul and cell to show how, as she puts it, "your biography becomes your biology." This is a must read book for anyone interested in rebuilding their body, mind and spirit…and yes… for healing to occur, we need to focus on all three. We have all been touched by certain illnesses in ourselves or those close to us, which, after the ‘cut, poison and burn’ of medical intervention, often still does not completely heal the body of the wounds of the mind and heart…and once again the original disease returns, often to other parts of the body. Inna Segal’s ‘Secret Language of the body’ also explores how different emotions are trapped in our various body parts and how we can release them. From my personal experience and through working with clients and close family and friends, I believe that it is essential to take our own power back. How many of us expect Doctors and therapists to heal us, without taking any responsibility for our own healing? We allow ourselves to be distracted and avoid doing the work we need on ourselves by focusing on others; or we work harder than ever...to avoid feeling. This IS the time, to take the time just for YOU, take time out from your busy life, bring yourself into the present moment …and ask your body what it needs to return it to optimal health. Silence your mind, and listen, because it will tell you. Your body knows what you need right now…is it exercise, sleep, fresh unprocessed foods, Meditation, Yoga, or nurturing, gentle bodywork? One thing is sure…at such times you need extreme self-care, including all of the above. No distractions to take you away from the present moment, just self-love, self-nurturing and some tools to bring you back to balance. If this resonates with you, then book in for a Reflexology session, which is the major tool I use to relax your body and mind to allow healing. |
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