Complementary Cancer Care with Reflexology and Reiki
Cancer Care and Reflexology Research Reflexology has been found through research to benefit in many ways those experiencing cancer. First, reflexology provides a simple technique for comforting touch. Reflexology’s human to human, non-invasive touch creates an opportunity for those with cancer to receive caring support: For both a loved one with cancer and a family member seeking to help receive emotional benefits. For a concerned care giver or health professional, a reflexology interlude provides a hands-on interaction as well as researched benefits resulting in enhanced patient satisfaction. Next, research shows that cancer patients who receive reflexology work experienced significant improvements: lessened pain• lessened anxiety• reduced nausea and vomiting lowered fatigue improvements in quality of life bettered mood improvements in quality of sleep, stress, depression, foot fatigue, morale and vital signs. Research shows that cancer patients who receive reflexology work experienced significant improvements in management of symptoms, chemotherapy, post-operatively and palliative care.